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B&M Freight Cars Abbreviations

Boston & Maine Freight Cars - Abbreviations


Photo section header

NOTE: I will omit "later" marking columns (ACI, COTS, U-1, Reflect, AEI) for car series retired before 1965
Section Text in header Description Possible values
- Color? Is photograph in color? blank = no (it is B&W or sepia or whatever)
Y = Yes, photo is color
Visible Side Is side of car visible? blank = no
X = Yes
p = side partially visible
End Is end of car visible? blank = no
A = "A end" (typically no brake wheel) is visible
B = "B end" (typically with brake wheel) is visible
p = end partially visible (may be combined with "A" or "B")
Roof Is roof of car visible? blank = no
Y = Yes
p = roof partially visible
Other Is some other part of the car visible
(typically interior, maybe underframe)
blank = no
X = Yes (typically "notes" column should indicate what is visible)
Markings RN Style Road Name "style"
(note this is for the reporting marks area
- the road name may also be placed elsewhere
- that is included in the "Herald" column)
I am ignoring spacing between letters/words/symbols (if any)
S1& = Spelled, one line, using "&" - e.g. "BOSTON & MAINE"
S1and = Spelled, one line, using "and" - e.g. "BOSTON AND MAINE"
S3& = Spelled, three lines, using "&" - e.g.
S3and = Spelled, three lines, using "and" - e.g.
B&M = that text (without periods)
B.M. = that text (with periods)
BM = that text (without periods)
M.T.C. = that text (with periods)
MTC = that text (without periods)
RN Font Road Name Font blank = not visible/discernable
R = "Roman" (serif font)
G = "Gothic" (san-serif font)
O = "Other" (Typically spray painted by hand)
Car# Font Car Number font blank = not visible/discernable
R = "Roman" (serif font)
G = "Gothic" (san-serif font)
O = "Other" (Typically spray painted by hand)
RM Bars Horizontal lines around reporting marks blank = not visible/discernable
A = Above road name
B = Below car number
M = Middle (between road name and car number)
O = Other (see notes column)
N = None
Above may be combined (typically, when they were used, they would be "AB")
ACI Is ACI (Automatic Car Identification) label present?
(starts approx 1967, stopped being required approx 1978)
Location (if I bother) will be in "Notes" section
blank = not visible/discernable
Y = Yes
N = No
COTS Is/are "Clean, Oil, Test, and Stencil" block(s) present?
(starts approx 1972, stopped being required approx 2016)
blank = not visible/discernable
N = No
1 = 1 block (1972-1974?)
2V = 2 blocks in vertical layout (1974 - "early 1980s")
2H = 2 blocks in horizontal layout (1974 - "early 1980s")
3 = 3 panel (early 1980s? - 2016)
4 = 4 panel (1981? - 1982? only, rare)
U-1 Is "U-1" wheel inspection (yellow/white "dot" stencil) present?
(starts approx 1978, stopped being added approx 1979-80?)
blank = not visible/discernable
N = No
Y = "yellow dot" (all wheels are "good")
W = "white dot" (car has at least one "bad" wheel)
I = dot present, color indeterminate
Reflect Are reflective stripes (or other shapes) present?
(starts approx:
Canada: 1974;
USA: 2005
still required as of 2020)
blank = not visible/discernable
N = No
Q = squares applied on "diagonal" (Canada requirement)
H = horizontal stripes
V = vertical stripes
+ count
e.g. "5V" = "5 vertical stripes";
"3H2V" = "3 horizontal and 2 vertical stripes"
Note: order of stripe types not implied
AEI Is AEI (Automatic equipment identification)
RFID box applied / visible?
(starts about 1990-1991?, still required as of 2020)
blank = not visible/discernable
Y = Yes

Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
19-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom First version
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom Formatting updates

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Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 |