B&MRRHS APRIL MEETING CANCELED — Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

The Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society is composed of people who share a common interest in the history and operations of the Boston and Maine Railroad and other related railroads.  READ MORE

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The Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society will meet at Rogers Hall on Rogers St. in Lowell, Ma. Today’s unique program features a forum of retired railroad professionals: Lee Atkins, Marty LaCarbonara, Mike Enos and Russ Munroe, Jr. Some (or all) of these men may be familiar to our membership as photographers, writers and New England train enthusiasts. Stories and anecdotes of the “high iron” never grow old An enjoyable discussion for sure! Depending on the questions and answer period, the meeting could continue beyond 4:30 PM .

The society sales table offers B&M labelled outerwear, hats, and tee shirts as well as rail themed books, periodicals, reports, DVDs and models. Free parking across the street. . .


Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 | info@bmrrhs.org