Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

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Photo Credits

B&M 10000 Hopper Cars

Boston & Maine 10000 Series Hopper Cars


Builder's Photo

Pullman Standard Builder's Photo Courtesy of James Kinkaid, used with permission (click on image to see full resolution available)

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards

From various sources
Also from Neubauer, Eric.Evans Products Company Freight Car Roster Notes
Spec Value
Builder Pullman (B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 18)
Butler, PA (Mainline Modeler article, Eric Neubauer)
1965 refurbishment for re-lease done by USRE at "Z"
Description PS-4 (B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 39)
PS-3 [various sources of the "PS-" numbering scheme - note PS-4s are flat cars (e.g. B&M 34000 series flats)]
Lot # 8321
Car Numbers 10000-10299
Quantity 300
Build Date 2/1957
Sides 16 ribs (per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37)
AAR class
Lt Weight 52,100
Cubic Cap'y 2750 Cu. Ft.

ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 4/1957 1/1983 5/1983 7/1989 10/2000
AAR Mechanical Designation HT HT HT HT HT
Length 42'-10" 42'-10" 42'-10"
Width 9'-7" 9'-7" 9'-7"
Length 43'-10" 46'-4" 46'-4" 46'-4" 46'-4"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6"
Extreme Width 10'-7" 10'-7" 10'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6"
To Extreme Width 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9"
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9"
To Top of Running Board
To Extreme Height 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9" 10'-9"
Door - Side
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 2750 2750 2800 2800 2800
Pounds 140000 154000 154000 154000 220000

ORER History
# of
1957 - 04 10000-10299 300 Hopper, Self-Clearing
1957 - 07 (same)
1957 - 10 (same)
1958 - 01 (same)
1958 - 04 (same)
1958 - 07 (same)
1958 - 10 (same)
1959 - 01 (same)
1959 - 04 (same)
1959 - 07 (same)
1959 - 10 (same)
1960 - 01 (same)
1960 - 04 (same)
1960 - 07 (same)
1960 - 10 (same)
1961 - 01 (same)
1961 - 04 (same)
1961 - 07 (same)
1961 - 10 (same)
1962 - 01 (same)
1962 - 04 (same)
1962 - 07 (same)
1962 - 10 (same)
1963 - 01 (same)
1963 - 04 (same)
1963 - 07 (same)
1963 - 10 (same)
150 leased to Clinchfield RR
1964 - 01 " 150 "
1964 - 04 (same)
1964 - 07 (same)
1964 - 10 (same)
1965 - 01 (same)
1965 - 04 (same)
1965 - 07 (same)
150 (were leased to Clinchfield RR) now leased to Great Northern RR (GN #70800-70949)
1965 - 10 (same)
1966 - 01 (same)
1966 - 04 (same)
1966 - 07 (same)
1966 - 10 (same)
1967 - 01 (same)
1967 - 04 (same)
1967 - 07 (same)
1967 - 10 (same)
1968 - 01 (same)
1968 - 04 (same)
1968 - 07 (same)
1968 - 10 (same)
1969 - 01 (same)
1969 - 04 (same)
1969 - 07 (same)
1969 - 10 (same)
1970 - 01 (same)
1970 - 04 (same)
1970 - 07 (same)
1970 - 10 (same)
GN leased cars returned
1971 - 01 " 291 "
1971 - 04 (same)
1971 - 07 (same)
1971 - 10 " 288 "
1972 - 01 (same)
1972 - 04 (same)
1972 - 07 (same)
1972 - 10 (same)
1973 - 01 (same)
1973 - 04 " 287 "
1973 - 07 " 286 "
1973 - 11 (same)
1974 - 01 (same)
1974 - 04 (same)
1974 - 07 (same)
1974 - 10 (same)
1975 - 01 (same)
1975 - 04 " 285 "
1975 - 07 (same)
1975 - 10 (same)
1976 - 01 (same)
1976 - 04 (same)
1976 - 07 (same)
1976 - 10 " 277 "
1977 - 01 (same)
1977 - 04 (same)
1977 - 07 (same)
1977 - 10 (same)
1978 - 01 (same)
1978 - 04 (same)
1978 - 07 (same)
1978 - 10 " 257 "
1979 - 01 " 244 "
1979 - 04 " 243 "
1979 - 07 (same)
1979 - 10 " 213 "
1980 - 01 (same)
1980 - 04 (same)
1980 - 07 " 243 "
1980 - 10 " 213 "
1981 - 01 " 211 "
1981 - 04 " 206 "
1981 - 07 (same)
1981 - 10 (same)
1982 - 01 " 192 "
1982 - 04 (same)
1982 - 07 " 186 "
1982 - 10 (same)
1983 - 01 " 179 "
1983 - 05 10000-10299 171 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
10040 1 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width, and Height to Eaves = 10'-6"]
1983 - 07 10000-10299 167 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
10040 1 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width, and Height to Eaves = 10'-6"]
1983 - 10 10000-10299 165 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
10040 1 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width, and Height to Eaves = 10'-6"]
1984 - 01 (same) (all 3 rows)
1984 - 04 (same) (all 3 rows)
1984 - 07 (same) (all 3 rows)
1984 - 10 10000-10299 144 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
1985 - 01 10000-10299 143 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
1985 - 04 10000-10299 141 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel [Height To Extreme Width = 10'-6"]
1985 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1985 - 10 10000-10299 135 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1986 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1986 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1986 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1986 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1986 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1987 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1987 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1987 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1987 - 10 10000-10299 129 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1988 - 01 10000-10299 128 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1988 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1988 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1988 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1989 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1989 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1989 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1989 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1990 - 01 10000-10299 111 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1990 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1990 - 07 10000-10299 110 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1990 - 10 10000-10299 109 Hopper, Self-Clearing
10005;10043 2 Hopper, Steel
1991 - 01 10000-10299 111 Hopper, Self-Clearing
1991 - 04 " 110 "
1991 - 07 (same)
1991 - 10 (same)
1992 - 01 " 108 "
1992 - 04 (same)
1992 - 07 (same)
1992 - 10 (same)
1993 - 01 " 103 "
1993 - 04 (same)
1993 - 07 (same)
1993 - 10 (same)
1994 - 01 (same)
1994 - 04 (same)
1994 - 07 (same)
1994 - 10 (same)
1995 - 01 (same)
1995 - 04 (same)
1995 - 07 (same)
1995 - 10 (same)
1996 - 01 (same)
1996 - 04 (same)
1996 - 07 (same)
1996 - 10 (same)
1997 - 01 (same)
1997 - 04 (same)
1997 - 07 " 41 "
1997 - 10 (same)
1998 - 01 (same)
1998 - 04 " 1 "
1998 - 07 (same)
1998 - 10 (same)
1999 - 01 (same)
1999 - 04 (same)
1999 - 07 (same)
1999 - 10 (same)
2000 - 01 (same)
2000 - 04 (same)
2000 - 07 (same)
2000 - 10 (same)
2001 - 01 (same)
2001 - 04 (same)
2001 - 07 (same)
2001 - 10 (same)
2002 - 01 (same)
2002 - 04 (same)
2002 - 07 (same)
2002 - 10 (same)
2003 - 01 (same)
2003 - 04 (same)
2003 - 07 (same)
2003 - 10 (same)
2004 - 01 (same)
2004 - 04 (same)
2004 - 07 (same)
2004 - 10 (same)
2005 - 01 (same)
2005 - 04 (same)
2005 - 07 (same)
2005 - 10 (same)
2006 - 01 (same)
2006 - 04 (same)
2006 - 07 (same)
2006 - 10 (same)
2007 - 01 (same)
2007 - 04 (same)
2007 - 07 (same)
2007 - 10 (same)
2008 - 01 (same)
2008 - 04 Not listed

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

  • Per Don Clerke
    Built by Pullman
  • 1/1986 - Not sure why 10005 and 10043 are listed separately
  • from Neubauer, Eric.Evans Products Company Freight Car Roster Notes
    (also emails with Eric)
    These cars started out as (I assume) a lease (or equipment trust?), possibly from Pullman-Standard, which expired about 1964-1965.
    As of 4/1965, these cars were acquired by the US Railway Equipment Co ("USRE")
    As of 4/1965, it appears 150 cars were then re-leased back to the B&M (USRE lot 522) (any reconditioning work was done at "Z" ?= Billerica, MA?)
    Also as of Aug, and Nov-Dec 1965, 150 cars were leased to the GN (as GN 70800-70949), (USRE lots 523, then 536)
    The GN cars were then re-leased by USRE to the B&M by 1/1971 (per ORER data)

    As (we think) the drop in 150 cars pre-dates the USRE ownership (or at least the GN lease), we believe 150 cars were actually leased to the Clinchfield RR in 1964
    These were renumbered by adding an "8" before the B&M number, so they became CRR 810000-810299 (149 cars)

    ORER Date Car Numbers Car count Notes
    1963 - 10 Not listed
    1964 - 01 CRR 810000-810299 149 Includes "Star"
    ("Denotes addition" [from previous edition])
    1964 - 04 " 149
    1964 - 07 " 149
    1964 - 10 " 149
    1965 - 01 " 148
    1965 - 07 " 3
    1965 - 10 Not listed
    I'm not sure why 149 vs 150 cars.
  • per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37 (note 9) they were leased in 1962 to the GN
    This appears to be incorrect - the GN lease started in 1965.

Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data

Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)

Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
NOTE: once cars get renumbered into "company service" (zero + number, or W/M/S numbers), the following actions are my "best guess" as to what happened to the car (due to gaps in records, and the re-use of numbers)

C&O lease:
"Lease out" car book reference = Vol 4, Part 6, p 9L
"Cars returned" car book reference = Vol 4, Part 8, p 2L

Vol Part Page Date New Notes 1 C&O Lease Next Lease
Lease Date Return Date Car Book Ref. Date Leased to
10000 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10001 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10002 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10003 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10004 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10005 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10006 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10007 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10008 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10009 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10010 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10011 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10012 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10013 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10014 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10015 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10016 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10017 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10018 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10019 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10020 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10021 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10022 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10023 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10024 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10025 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10026 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21
10027 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10028 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10029 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10030 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10031 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10032 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10033 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10034 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10035 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10036 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10037 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10038 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10039 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10040 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10041 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10042 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10043 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10044 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10045 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10046 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10047 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10048 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10049 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10050 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10051 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10052 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10053 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10054 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10055 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10056 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10057 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10058 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10059 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10060 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10061 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10062 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10063 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10064 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10065 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10066 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10067 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10068 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10069 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10070 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10071 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10072 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10073 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10074 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10075 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10076 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10077 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10078 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10079 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10080 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10081 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10082 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10083 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10084 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10085 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10086 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10087 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10088 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10089 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10090 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10091 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10092 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10093 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10094 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10095 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10096 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10097 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10098 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10099 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10100 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10101 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10102 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10103 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10104 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10105 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10106 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10107 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10108 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10109 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10110 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10111 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10112 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 I am not sure if this car was leased to both the following,
or if one is a typo
10112 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10112 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10113 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10114 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10115 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10116 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10117 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10118 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10119 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10120 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10121 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10122 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10123 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10124 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10125 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10126 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10127 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10128 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10129 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10130 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10131 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10132 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10133 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10134 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10135 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10136 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10137 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10138 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10139 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10140 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10141 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10142 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10143 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10144 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10145 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10146 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10147 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10148 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10149 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10150 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10151 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10152 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10153 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10154 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10155 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10156 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10157 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10158 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10159 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10160 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10161 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10162 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10163 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10164 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10165 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10166 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10167 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10168 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10169 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10170 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10171 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10172 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10173 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10174 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10175 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10176 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10177 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10178 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10179 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10180 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10181 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10182 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10183 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10184 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10185 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10186 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10187 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10188 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10189 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10190 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10191 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10192 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10193 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10194 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10195 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10196 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10197 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10198 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10199 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10200 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10201 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10202 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10203 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10204 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10205 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10206 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10207 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10208 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10209 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10210 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10211 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10212 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10213 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10214 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10215 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10216 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10217 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10218 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10219 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10220 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10221 4 6 9R 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10222 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10223 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10224 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10225 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10226 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10227 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10228 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10229 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard 1957-02 1958-01-21 [not leased]
10230 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10231 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10232 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 7R 1959-12 L&N
10233 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10234 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10235 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10236 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10237 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10238 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10239 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10240 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10241 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10242 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10243 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10244 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10245 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10246 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10247 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10248 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10249 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10250 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10251 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10252 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10253 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10254 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10255 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10256 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10257 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10258 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10259 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10260 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10261 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10262 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10263 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10264 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10265 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10266 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10267 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10268 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10269 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10270 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10271 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10272 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10273 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10274 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10275 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10276 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10277 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10278 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10279 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10280 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10281 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10282 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10283 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10284 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10285 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10286 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10287 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10288 4 6 8L 1957-02 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10289 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10290 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10291 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 1, p 4R 1959-06-15 Mannix Construction Corp.
10292 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10293 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10294 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10295 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10296 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] Vol 5, Part 2, p 8L 1959-12 L&N
10297 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10298 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]
10299 4 6 9R 1957-03 New from Pullman-Standard [not leased] [not leased]

Paint Schemes

As delivered
all-black, white lettering. Large intertwined "BM" herald in white and blue (black background) on plate that spans 3 ribs
Per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #101 (Mar-Apr 2006) herald: approx 6' high "B" (all white), "M" is blue with white border
"1972 repaint" (per Tangent web site)
All black body, white lettering, small (fits between the ribs) intertwined "BM" herald in all-white

References or other data

  • Kinkaid, James. "Pullman-Standard" Mainline Modeler Jun 1995, pp 26-32
    Includes plans, roster, but no B&M photos.


PageCar # Photo Date
Visible? MarkingsPaint
Herald Notes
Kfoury, Rick. Queen City Rails - Manchester's Railroads 1965-1990 B&MRRHS, 2019. ISBN 978-0-578-45881-6
p19 10284? 1968-07 Y p BMRGNblack intertwined, small herald partially cut off, gravel train
Plant, Jeremy F. Trackside around Massachusetts 1950-1970 with Russ Munroe Morning Sun Books, 2004. ISBN 1-58248-119-9
p60 10016 1960s? Y p p X BMRGNblack intertwined, large top-down view into interior at car shaker/unloading pit
p61 10234? 1961-08 Y X B X black intertwined, large same
NEB&W Guide IV
p P Bos-21 ? 1957 X B BMRGNNNNNNoriginal original photocopy of P-S builder's photo in 1957 Car Builder's Cyclopedia
Don Clerke inserts into B&MRRHS Bulletin
i 9 photo 17 10195 X BMRGNNNNNNblack? none "M" backwards
B&MRRHS Bulletin Issue included in "page" column
v XXVIII #1 p29 10069 1975-07 p BMRGN "M" backwards
Railroad Picture Archives (as of 10-Apr-2020)
Go to "By Railroad", then "Fallen Flags", then "BM" Boston & Maine section
Then "Rolling Stock Roster" → "Photographed" link, then page thru for car number
BM 10002 10002 2006-09-19 Y X B BMRGN2V?NN black none
BM 10002 10002 2016-11-21 Y X B BMOONY2V 4VN black none
BM 10002 10002 2017-01-29 Y X B BMOONY2V 4VN black none
BM 10006 W10006 2007-05-12 Y X BMRGN?2V?NN black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10006 10006 2017-03-18 Y X BMOON2V?2V[4H?]Yblack small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10052 10052 2016-11-21 Y X BMGGN2V5VY black none
BM 10088 10088 2015-11-11 Y X B BMOONY2V 4VN black none
BM 10088 10088 2019-08-18 Y X Bp BMOONY2V 4VN black none
BM 10102 10102 2013-01-12 Y X Bp BMRGN2V5VN black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10103 10103 2016-11-21 Y X p BMOON3?4VY black none
BM 10130 10130 2008-03-29 Y X BMRGN2V NN black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10130 10130 2015-10-10 Y X B BMOON 5VY black none
BM 10143 10143 2011-08-04 Y X BMRGNN2VN5VN black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10145 10145 2009-01-04 Y X A BMRGNN?NNN black none
BM 10178 10178 2017-08-16 Y X BMOONN??3VY black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10200 10200 2013-02-01 Y X B BMRGNN2H?2VY black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10207 10207 2011-08-04 Y X BMRGNN2V?NN black none
BM 10213 10213 2015-09-27 Y X B BMGGNY2V 4VY black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10213 10213 2015-09-27 Y X BMGGNY2V 4VY black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10213 10213 2015-09-27 Y X A BMGGNY2V 4VY black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10221 10221 2009-01-04 Y X P BMRGN2V NN black none
BM 10234 10234 2017-03-18 Y X BMOONN2VNNN black none "GN 7090..." showing thru the paint
BM 10244 10244 2017-03-18 Y X BMOONN2V 5VN black none
BM 10251 10251 2007-06-30 Y X B BMRGN2V 4H black small intertwined BM, all white
BM 10291 10291 2007-06-30 Y X A BMGGN2VNN black small intertwined BM, all white
Fallen Flags and Other Railroad Photos (as of 15-Apr-2020)
Scroll down to the "B" section, click on the "Boston & Maine (B&M)" link
Then scroll down to find the photo. The "Page" column has the "Link" text listed
HT 10003 10003 2006-09 Y X BMRGNN2VY4H black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10034 10034 2004-07-23 Y X A BMRGNN2VYNN black none
HT 10052 10052 2005-05-10 Y X B BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10076 10076 2005-06-19 Y X BMRGNN2VYNN black none
HT 10077 10077 2004-06-06 Y X A BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10083 10083 2004-06-14 Y X B BMRGNN2VNNN black none
HT 10094 10094 2004-06-14 Y X Bp BMRGNN2VN4HN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10102 10102 2004-06-06 Y X Ap BMRGNN2VN4HN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10103 10103 2006-10-14 Y X BM ONN?INN black none
HT 10130 10130 2004-06-06 Y X A BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10130 10130 2006-10-14 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10135 10135 2004-10-15 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black none
HT 10135 10135 2005-05-10 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black none
HT 10140 10140 2004-12-08 Y X A BMGGNN?NNN black none
HT 10143 10143 2004-06-14 Y X A BMRGNN2VYNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10143 10143 2005-05-10 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10145 10145 2005-05-10 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black none
HT 10148 10148 2004-06-14 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN black ?
HT 10178 10178 2005-05-10 Y X BMRGNN1?YNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10178 10178 2008-06-11 Y X BMRGNN1?YNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10185 10185 2017-02-04 Y X BMRGNNNNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10195 10195 1990-06 Y p A BMRGN 2Hp black none hole cut in hopper side? (center of car at top?)
HT 10213 10213 2005-05-10 Y X A BMGGNN2VNNY black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10221 10221 2004-06-06 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNN black none
HT 10221 10221 2006-10-14 Y X BMGONN2VNNN black none
HT 10228 10228 2004-06-06 Y X A BMRGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10234 10234 2006-09 Y X A ONN2VN4HN black none can see "painted over" GN reporting marks and herald
HT 10234 10234 2006-09 Y p A black none detail of "painted over" GN reporting marks and herald
HT 10244 10244 2004-10-15 Y X BMGGNN2VY4HN black none
HT 10251 10251 2004-12-08 Y X B BMRGNN2VY4HN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10251 10251 2005-05-10 Y X Bp BMRGNN2VY4HN black small intertwined BM, all white
HT 10279 10279 2004-06-14 Y X Ap BMGGNY?NNN black none GN herald
HT 10291 10291 2004-10-15 Y X A BMGGNN2VNNN black small intertwined BM, all white
B&MRRHS Flickr (as of 17-Apr-2020)
Above is direct link. If it doesn't work, try: Select "Albums" → "Cars-- Freight", then scroll thru
10228 Y X A BMRGNN NN original original
B&MRRHS Flickr (as of 17-Apr-2020)
Above is direct link. If it doesn't work, try: Select "Albums" → "Cars-- Freight", then scroll thru
10034 2015-12-06 Y X p BMOONN2VN1VY?red/rust/? none Reporting marks hand spray-painted.
NMRO (Scott Whitney) CDs/DVDs (as of 18-Apr-2020)
I will have one line (sort of) telling the CD & folder path, then individial car listings will have filename in "page" column
Path: Photos → Color-SJW → Conway-Br
Milton-2.jpg 10043 Y A derailed/on side
Tangent Scale Models
Has 1 prototype photo
10003 1977 Y X B BMRGNN1NNNblack small intertwined BM, all white
Rail Car Photos (as of 24-Aug-2020)
May require a login, May require a browser newer than Internet Explorer.
Several ways to get there, I "Search Photos" → "By Reporting Mark"
Scroll down and click the "Search" button to the right of the "BM" reporting marks
Then scroll down to find the photo. The "Page" column has the "Link" text listed
10076 2008-11-21 Y X BMRONN?N5VYblack none
10178 2007-01-07 Y X A BMRGNN1?Y?NYblack small intertwined BM white
Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery (as of 29-Aug-2020)
"American Railroads" → "Boston & Maine"
Then scroll down to find the photo.
BM 10009 1957 X B BMRGNNNNNNoriginal original Builder's Photo
Box and Freight Cars of North America (as of 30-Aug-2020)
Select the "A-L" link → Select the "B-BM" link → B&M cars are on pp 10-11 (of 11 total)
Images on web are "thumbnails", you may have pay for higher resolution images
? 2004-06 Y X p BMRGNNNNNNblack none Title = "BM, Boston & Maine 50' Hopper June, 2004, Holyoke, MA"
BM 10119 1964-03-24 X p BMRGNNNNNNoriginal original Title = "BM 50' Hopper, 10119 March 24th, 1964"
Facebook "Boston & Maine Railroad Modeler's Group"
Above is direct link, you probably need to join the group to see the photo.
If direct link doesn't work, go to that group, find the thread started by David Hutchinson about backdating the Tangent models (approx Sept 30, 2020)
BM 10272 X B BMRGNNNNNNoriginal original
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M hopper".
or try:
Y X BMRGNN2V?Y?NNblack small intertwined BM white
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "WA-1 on the {Future} Naugy-20".
or try:
Note several other photos "nearby" or with similar caoption, I just can't read any car info in them
1983-08-02 Y X BMRRNN2VY3H?Nblack small intertwined BM white ?Reflective stripes? = white/orange
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "In the Boonies".
or try:
10221 2006-04-28 Y X BMRGNN2V?YNNblack none?
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "BM 10076".
or try:
10076 2005-12-01 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "BM 10034".
or try:
10034 2005-12-01 Y X BMRGNN2VNNN
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Leaving Ossipee pit".
or try:
10057 1971 Y p about all you can see is the reporting marks on the end
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M 1731".
or try:
1981-07 Y X BMRRN1?black small intertwined BM white several cars of this series
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M GP-7 at East Deerfield, MA".
or try:
1980-07-22 Y X BMRRNN?W?NN Photo is a bit fuzzy, can't read the car number
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Old GN logo on this B&M hopper".
or try:
10244 2002-07-08 Y p BMGGNY
NERail Photo Archive
or → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "gravel train passing the Wolfboro junction".
or try:
1979-07 ? X BM N black small intertwined BM white string of several of these cars
Highball Graphics
N/HO/O scale decals, but they have a couple prototype pictures
Web site doesn't seem to work very well with Internet Explorer, use a newer browser.
From main page, "check" (under "Railroad" list at left) the "Boston & Maine" → "Boston & Maine 10000 Series 70T Triple Hoppers [N / HO / O] Scale" (scale doesn't matter, they have same photos on all)
10228 ? Y X A BMRRNNNNNNoriginal original
Pullman Library, James Kinkaid Collection
If above doesn't work, try
Then "Railroad - B" then scroll down
10009 1957-02? X B BMR?N?NNNNNoriginal original Builder's Photo
Zullig, Walter E. Jr. Boston and Maine In Color - vol. 4: Through the years Morning Sun Books, 2021. ISBN 1-58248-743-X
p122 (top) ? 1961-06-27 Y p BMRGNoriginal original distant view of 3 cars in original paint, hard to discern anything else.
Rail Goat web site (as of 29-Jan-2022)
BM 10009 1957 X B BMRGNNNNNNoriginal original Builder's Photo (same as above)


Date Quantity New Numbers Description
1963-1969 150 GN 70800-70949 150 cars leased (thru US Raileway Equipment Co.) to GN, returned in 1969
10/1978 150 11000-11024 rebuilt. Hopper, Self-clearing


Scale Manufacturer Stock number Car number Paint scheme Notes
HO Tangent Scale Models 15015-01 10003 "1972 repaint" released Sep, 2019, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
HO Tangent Scale Models 15015-02 10020 "1972 repaint" released Sep, 2019, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
HO Tangent Scale Models 15015-03 10178 "1972 repaint" released Sep, 2019, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-001-659 10000 Original released Jan, 2014, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-001-660 10111 Original released Jan, 2014, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-001-661 10195 Original released Jan, 2014, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-001-662 10294 Original released Jan, 2014, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-003-051 10003 "1972 repaint" released Nov, 2016, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-003-052 10052 "1972 repaint" released Nov, 2016, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-003-053 10076 "1972 repaint" released Nov, 2016, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
N Atlas Model RR Co. 50-003-054 10102 "1972 repaint" released Nov, 2016, currently (Dec, 2020) listed as "sold out" on their web site
Tangent Scale Models PS-3 also sold as undec in RTR and kit forms (unknown part numbers) (also "sold out" as of Dec, 2020)
Atlas also produced N scale "undec" models (stock #50-001-657) in 2014, 2016, and 2019 (also "sold out" as of Dec, 2020)

In B&MRRHS Modelers Notes #48 (May-Jun 1997), they show the Islington Station Products HO decal set #348-030 lettering diagram for these cars ("1972 repaint" version)
Although it has a "strange" 1978 "new" date??? (could be a reweigh and they didn't catch that the "NEW" text had changed?)

Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
31-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
16-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Fix minor "HTML"isms
17-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Standardized Don Clerke "source" link
29-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 19 more ORERs
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
17-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Added more web sites: B&MRRHS Flickr, Fallen Flags, NMRA Archives, Earl Tuson. Also Scott Whitney (NMRO) CDs
22-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #39
25-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37
26-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Changed B&MRRHS Flickr to direct link
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
16-Jun-2020 KG Akerboom Added Builder's photo, lot number from Ed Hawkins info
09-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom Added Tangent Models photos
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
21-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added more Eric Neubauer data
25-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Rail Car Photos" web site photos
29-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery" photos
30-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Box and Freight Cars of North America" photos
02-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added link to Facebook photo of 10272
22-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added Car Book Data
08-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added "NE Rails" photos
16-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added Atlas models
23-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added photos from Highball Graphics decals site
28-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added Modelers Notes info
22-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Added builder's photo
07-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Updated "Box and Freight Cars of North America" photos
12-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added NERail photos
22-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added B&M in color - Vol 4 photo
29-Jan-2022 KG Akerboom Added "Rail Goat" web site photos

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Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 |