Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

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Photo Credits

B&M 5599 Covered Hopper Car

Boston & Maine 5599 Series Covered Hopper Car


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 7/1954
AAR Mechanical Designation LO
Length 26'-2"
Width 9'-6"
Length 31'-4"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-2"
Extreme Width 10'-2"
To Extreme Width 10'-3"
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-3"
To Top of Running Board 11'
To Extreme Height 11'
Door - Side
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 1625
Pounds 100000 110000

ORER History
# of
1954 - 07 5599 1 Covered Hopper
1954 - 10 (same)
1955 - 01 (same)
1955 - 04 (same)
1955 - 07 (same)
1955 - 10 (same)
1956 - 01 (same)
1956 - 04 (same)
1956 - 07 (same)
1956 - 10 (same)
1957 - 01 (same)
1957 - 04 (same)
1957 - 07 (same)
1957 - 10 (same)
1958 - 01 (same)
1958 - 04 (same)
1958 - 07 (same)
1958 - 10 Not listed
[per car books:
renumbered to "0350" on 1958-05-16
renumbered back to 5599 1959-12-03]
1959 - 01
1959 - 04
1959 - 07
1959 - 10
1960 - 01
1960 - 04 5599 1 Covered Hopper, steel
1960 - 07 (same)
1960 - 10 (same)
1961 - 01 (same)
1961 - 04 (same)
1961 - 07 (same)
1961 - 10 (same)
1962 - 01 (same)
1962 - 04 (same)
1962 - 07 (same)
1962 - 10 (same)
1963 - 01 (same)
1963 - 04 (same)
1963 - 07 (same)
1963 - 10 (same)
1964 - 01 (same)
1964 - 04 (same)
1964 - 07 (same)
1964 - 10 (same)
1965 - 01 (same)
1965 - 04 (same)
1965 - 07 (same)
1965 - 10 (same)
1966 - 01 (same)
1966 - 04 (same)
1966 - 07 (same)
1966 - 10 (same)
1967 - 01 (same)
1967 - 04 (same)
1967 - 07 (same)
1967 - 10 (same)
1968 - 01 (same)
1968 - 04 Not listed
1968 - 07
1968 - 10
1969 - 01
1969 - 04 010 1 Covered Hopper
1969 - 07 (same)
1969 - 10 (same)
1970 - 01 (same)
1970 - 04 (same)
1970 - 07 (same)
1970 - 10 (same)
1971 - 01 (same)
1971 - 04 (same)
1971 - 07 (same)
1971 - 10 (same)
1972 - 01 (same)
1972 - 04 (same)
1972 - 07 (same)
1972 - 10 (same)
1973 - 01 (same)
1973 - 04 (same)
1973 - 07 (same)
1973 - 11 (same)
1974 - 01 (same)
1974 - 04 (same)
1974 - 07 (same)
1974 - 10 (same)
1975 - 01 (same)
1975 - 04 (same)
1975 - 07 (same)
1975 - 10 (same)
1976 - 01 (same)
1976 - 04 (same)
1976 - 07 (same)
1976 - 10 (same)
1977 - 01 (same)
1977 - 04 (same)
1977 - 07 (same)
1977 - 10 (same)
1978 - 01 (same)
1978 - 04 (same)
1978 - 07 (same)
1978 - 10 (same)
1979 - 01 (same)
1979 - 04 (same)
1979 - 07 (same)
1979 - 10 (same)
1980 - 01 (same)
1980 - 04 (same)
1980 - 07 (same)
1980 - 10 (same)
1981 - 01 (same)
1981 - 04 Not listed

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

  • Per Don Clerke
    5599 Became 010
  • per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37
    Sand service
    Renumbered 010 in 1968
  • per Tim Gilbert
    Built 1916 [sic], acquired 1954, ex KCEX #119

  • Per B&M "Car books", ex- KEPX #119
  • KGA: Also, I'm not sure why the gap in listings when it was renumbered.
    Personal speculation: numbers like "010" (starting with a zero) were typically reserved for "company service" cars.
    As this was used for company sand service, it could be they renumbered it to "010", and removed it from the ORER listing, then later decided it could still be used for revenue service, so they re-listed it.

Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data

Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)

Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
Car Number(s) Vol PartPageDate Action Location New # Notes 1
KEPX 119 3 9 9L 1953-12-02 Purchased used Concord B&M 5599
5599 4 8 6L 1958-05-16 Renumbered Concord 0350 to "company service" car number (sand service)
0350 5 2 8L 1959-12-03 Renumbered Concord 5599 back to "revenue" car number

Paint Schemes

References or other data

  • Magazine/Book article(s)



Date Quantity New Numbers Description
1968-1969 1 010 Note the gap between 5599 disappearing in the ORERs, and the 010 appearing


Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
31-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
17-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Standardized Don Clerke "source" link
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
23-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #39
25-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
17-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom Merged hopper 010 into this web page
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
24-Sep-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Car book" data
18-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added Car Book Data
04-Jul-2021 KG Akerboom Reorganized Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data (Car # to 1st column, 2nd/other changes to new rows)

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Copyright 2022, B&MRRHS

Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 |