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GAEX DF Equipped Leased Box Cars

GAEX DF Equipped Leased Box Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 1/1953
M.C.B. / AAR Mechanical Designation XME
Length 50'-6"
Width 9'-2"
Height 10'-6"
Length 53'
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 9'-5"
Extreme Width 10'-6"
To Extreme Width
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 14'-5"
To Top of Running Board 15'-1"
To Extreme Height 15'-1"
Door - Side
Width 8'
Height 9'-10"
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 4872
Pounds 100000

ORER History

These cars were listed under the general GAEX reporting marks, nothing specific to the B&M

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

  • Leased in 1950 for (supposedly) 10 years. Unknown if the lease actually lasted that long. (Per B&MRRHS article - see below)
  • GAEX (General American - Evans [Products] cars - GA 50' sliding door boxcars with Evans "DF" load restraints.
    In the ORERs, it is not obvious if any cars are leased to the B&M (there is no matching car series in the B&M listing, 1950-1953, and the 1/1953 GAEX listing does not specify any leasees).
    It does not appear that the B&M purchased the cars after the lease expired (assuming the B&M actually leased the cars for the full 10 years)

Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data

Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)

Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
Car Number(s) Vol PartPageDate Action Notes
GAEX 1952 3 6 10R 1950-06-20 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 1953 3 6 10R 1950-06-16 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102000 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102001 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102002 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102003 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102004 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102005 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102006 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co
GAEX 102007 3 7 5L 1950-12 Leased from General American - Evans Co

Paint Schemes

References or other data

  • Railmodel Journal March 1990 (general article on cars) and Sept 1990 (Reprint of Boston & Maine Railroad Magazine Aug 1950 issue)
  • Boston & Maine Railroad Magazine Aug 1950 issue
    The B&M magazine indicates the B&M leased 10 cars (for 10 years) about 1950. From the Railmodel Journal article, it seems the cars were numbered with GAEX reporting marks (various number series) and a small "Aluminum Finish" panel (maybe 12" x 30"?), about midway between the reporting marks and the door, on the cars side indicating the leasing RR.
  • Wider, Patrick C. "General American GAEX/GARX Leased box Cars" Railway Prototype Cyclopedia #15 pp1-46. Table indicates GAEX 1953 (+ 9 other cars) leased to B&M circa June-July, 1950




Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
30-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Initial release
04-Jul-2021 KG Akerboom Reorganized Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data (Car # to 1st column, 2nd/other changes to new rows)

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Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 |