The Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society is composed of people who share a common interest in the history and operations of the Boston and Maine Railroad and other related railroads. READ MORE
I don't know if a B&M diagram exists, but the NYNH&H class diagram is available at:
"The Alphabet Route" web site (click on the "17500 - 17799" link - NOT the "17500 - 17534" link)
It appears the B&M also leased some NH 17800-17899 series cars (Photos show they are in use 23-Jun-1959)
The NYNH&H class diagram is available at:
"The Alphabet Route" web site (click on the "17800 - 17899" link)
Specifications From Classification Cards
ORER data and numbers
ORER Size Data
1/1953 (17500-17699)
Series 17700-17799
Series 17800-17899
M.C.B. / AAR Mechanical Designation
Inside Dimensions
Outside Dimensions
At Eaves or top of sides or platform
Extreme Width
Height from Rail
To Extreme Width
To Eaves or top of sides or platform
To Top of Running Board
To Extreme Height
Door - Side opening
Cu Ft. Level Full
ORER Notes
Discussion, General Notes
The car books don't indicate when the lease ends. I would suspect:
After the last car book listing (after 3/1960)
Possibly when the B&M car series 5200-5209 were put into service (approx. 7/1958)
Probably by the time car series 5225-5264 was put into service (approx 4/1960)
There (apparently) is (or was) one of these cars at the Valley RR Museum in Essex, CT (17704?), without piggyback equipment
There is a photo (Peter Ness collection) of (I think) NH 17768 (or 17769?) carrying a B&M trailer. No date or location yet known.
Also unknown if this was a car leased from the NH, or not.
Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data
Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)
Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
NOTE: once cars get renumbered into "company service" (zero + number, or W/M/S numbers), the following actions are my "best guess" as to what happened to the car (due to gaps in records, and the re-use of numbers)
Railway Age Magazine, 1957 "Special TOFC Report" (note the B&M was not listed in the 1954 TOFC report, unknown if there were similar reports in 1955 / 1956)
Boston & Maine - Plan 1 and Plan 2; trailerload and LTL (Plan 1 only) lots; avg. mo. vol. 459 trailers; Plan 1 trailers carried on rate divisions;
Plan 2 trailers receive $3.25 per diem; TOFC investment $85,000; in '58 to convert flats for TOFC using ACF hitch, extending Plan 2 to WTL territory.