B&MRRHS FEBRUARY MEETING — Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society

The Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society is composed of people who share a common interest in the history and operations of the Boston and Maine Railroad and other related railroads.  READ MORE

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The February meeting of the Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society features a program by the society’s own Rick Kfoury. Rick is a student of northern New England railways in general and the B&M in particular and currently serves as a director and the Newsletter Editor. He will present images and information on the final years of freight service on the B&M’s Portsmouth Branch, with emphasis on the Manchester to Rockingham Jct. portion. Rick is a photographer, writer and author. His story of Manchester’s railroads, Queen City Rails, has recently been published by the B&MRRHS. Rick is happy to answer questions following the presentation. The society’s sales table offers B&M labelled outerwear, shirts and hats, along with train themed books, bulletins, DVDs and models. Location is Rogers Hall on Rogers St. in Lowell, Ma. Free parking across the street.

In case of inclement weather: call the society hot line at 978-454-3600 after 11:00AM day of meeting or go to bmrrhs.org. for a cancellation notice.

Earlier Event: January 11
Later Event: March 7
Archives Work Session

Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society, P.O. Box 9116, Lowell, MA 01853 | info@bmrrhs.org